Friday, July 1, 2016

Five Generations

I went to St. George in March to visit with family and to have a five generation picture taken with Mom, Danielle, Tiffeni, Grayson and myself.  It was so good to see everyone and to be a part of this wonderful occasion.  Not to often does a five generation happen and we were lucky to have this occur in our family.  Mom and I stayed at Lewis and Marsha's home and Danielle, Tiffeni and Grayson stayed with Laile.  We had tons of fun and visited to our hearts content.  I rode up with Cody, but decided to stay a few extra days with Mom so flew home on Friday.
I am so lucky to have these three women in my life.  Each one brings out the best in me and are great examples of goodness to others.  My little Grayson is my GRR baby and I love him to pieces.  GRR are his initials and it fits him perfect.  I like to make things for him with bears on them.  Little Grayson Ryker Rasmussen is my joy.
This beautiful girl had just finished up with 33 treatments of radiation and no one could tell that she had been through all of this.  I was standing in line at the Deseret Book Store in St. George and Danielle came up and told me she was going to be in another area to come there when I was finished.  The woman that was standing behind me said "Wow she is such a beautiful girl."  I told her about Danielle just finishing up her treatments and she was astonished that there were not outward signs of the treatments.  I am so glad that Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers and that he kept her in good health during this time.

My beautiful granddaughter, Tiffeni, brings delight to me and much joy and I love her dearly.  I am proud of the young woman that she has become.  She is a good mother to Grayson and she adores him to no end.  I am grateful for her and her diligence in striving to make a good life for her and Grayson.

My beautiful mother I love with all my heart.  Every day I thank Heavenly Father for her and for letting me be like her.  She has lived a life of goodness and service to others.  Even when she was so badly burned, she still thought of others and it was very hard for her to accept being served by others instead of doing the service.  My Mom has always been my rock and I have tried to pattern my life after her.  She is so dedicated to the Lord and does everything that will get her back to her Heavenly Father's presence.  She is a very faithful woman and I know God smiles down on her daily.
This little minute of a guy brings so much joy to me.  I love him and so thankful that he is ours.  He came into our family at a time that Danielle needed something bigger and better to think about than her cancer.  He helped bring sunshine into her soul and I and so glad she had him to take care of during her ordeal with radiation.

My Meghan Leigh means everything to me.  She is my first granddaughter and boy did I have her spoiled rotten.  I love her so much.  She loves this little boy and hopefully one day soon Meghan and Mckay will be able to have children of their own.  She will make the best mother.

The love between these two reminds me of the love that Danielle has with her Grandma Jacque.  I look at this picture and smile at how Grayson has his arms around Danielle's neck.  He loves and adores his grandma.

This was a fun trip and I was so glad that I got to go.  Lewis and Marsha were on a cruise but left their house and car for Mom and I.  They had a fridge full of food and all our needs were taken care of.  I am grateful for family and how we can love and care for each other.  Heavenly Father has given me the greatest gift of all and that is FAMILY.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Cancer Has Stuck

In April 2014 Danielle was diagnosed with pre-cancer cells in her breast and had to have a biopsy.  She had the biopsy just after her Dad had his hip surgery and the next day she flew to Arizona to help me with his post op care.  She had to go back every six months to be checked by her oncologist at the Huntsman Cancer Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Everything was looking okay and staying the same until October of this year.  She was scheduled for an MRI.  They found a mass and did an other biopsy and the results came back positive.  She had a lumpectomy done and two weeks later they did another MRI and found another cluster and did another biopsy last week.  Yesterday she called with the results that the new cluster was also cancerous.  She is going in on Tuesday, Nov 10th, for another lumpectomy.

My heart is so shattered and the tears just don't stop.  I feel so helpless and have no way to help my child.  When she was little, I could kiss the boo boo and put a band aid on her and she was happy as a lark.  This time the band aid won't fix the hurt and I can't make her feel better like I used to do.  This is a fight that she has to do for herself.  I have to stand back and watch from the sidelines and pray that she is strong enough to fight for her life.

I keep her name in several temples and know that this has helped her in the last few weeks.  Heavenly Father has a plan and we have to accept His will.  Every day is such a struggle and I would take away the cancer if I could.  I love her so much and just can't stand to see her go through this.

Every day my prayers are for her to be strong and have the will to fight this.  I also pray that Dick and I can stay strong and be there for her.  This is a fight for our entire family.  Every night Hayden wants to say the prayer and he asks that she will get better and can come see us.  I love the prayers of little children.  They are so heartfelt and simple, but so powerful.

I just have to stay strong so I can help Danielle through this time.  Heavenly Father, give me strength to help my child.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

1329 Capes Sold Today

In 2008 I started making reversible capes for children.  This endeavor has brought me much joy and my capes are all over the USA.   Today I sold # 1329.  Each cape is made by myself including the emblems.  Sometimes my days are spent just making capes (like today) but as each cape goes out in the mail, I know there is one happy little boy or girl flying all over the place.

I started out making just Superman/Batman and Supergirl/Batgirl (made in pink/purple).   Soon it was apparent that Spiderman/Batman needed to be added to the mix.  My list of capes has once again expanded and now includes all four of the Ninja Turtles, black/hot pink Supergirl/Batgirl, black/hot pink Spidergirl/Batgirl, and today I added a navy/red cape that is Supergirl/Wonder Woman.

In June 2015 Brook opened me a store on Etsy where I have an online source of selling the capes.  This has proved to be very fruitful and I love to see where my capes are going to next.  This week capes went from east coast to west coast. 

Last week a mother wrote me and asked if I could make her little 4 year old a special cape with his name embroidered on it. She told me that he was going in for surgery on Oct 13th and this was going to be a surprise for him on that day. I gladly accepted the challenge and can hardly wait to hear how our little superman did with surgery. Please keep Aidan in your thoughts and prayers on Tuesday, Oct 13th. Get well soon my little Superman buddy.

Here are the capes:

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Making Halloween Things...

Yesterday I decided it was time to make Grayson a halloween bib.  I had the colors I needed in the stash of fabric and chose the perfect colors.  My new love is to embroidery with  my embroidery machine.  I found the perfect haunted house design and set to work doing my thing.  Pretty soon this is what was created:

Grayson is 3 1/2 months now and is the cutest little boy.  So glad he is mine.

Tiffeni called me a few weeks ago and wanted a cape for Grayson.  I had been so busy and just didn't get it done.  Well today was the day.  I had to cut the pattern down to fit him and it is only 16 inches long.  He will be the cutest superhero on the block.  Here are the pictures of the cape.

I might make these smaller capes for my Etsy store and see what happens with them.  Just too cute.

Friday, September 18, 2015

WOW...Another Set Back

This week I decided that it was getting time to put a quilt on the bed so I went to the closet to get a very special quilt that I have used for the last 39 years.  I have taken such great care of this quilt and I love it to pieces.  My Mom made Dick and I a quilt when we got married.  It was done in all white with dark pink wild roses appliqued on it.  For the binding, she did a double row of ruffles.  One was pink and the other was white.  Absolutely gorgeous.

When I looked in the quilt closet, the quilt was not there.  Frantically I looked in the other closets in the house and no quilt.  Nada, Nothing, Nowhere to be found.  Hurt and anger filled my heart and it shattered once again.  It was one of the items that was taken when our storage unit got broken into.  I wanted to scream, cuss and pound on the walls.  But once again I picked myself up, shook myself off and told myself that big girls don't act like that.  Broken heart all over again.  Nasty thieves.  That makes two special quilts that was taken by those good for nothing creeps.  Violation again.

I have been so busy making capes to send.  Our Etsy store is selling okay and only wish the orders would pick up.  It is so delightful when an order comes in and I can send capes to these cute little super hero girls and boys.

My calling as compassionate leader in the ward keeps me busy.  I am in the middle of helping a family get ready to say their final goodbyes to their mother.  Her funeral will be tomorrow.  I love my calling and so thankful for it.  It has been so long since I have had a church calling.  Being in this position helps you get to know all the members in a different manner.

I love my family very much and so thankful that God gave me the family I have.  When they hurt, I hurt.  When they rejoice, I rejoice.  I love each one to the moon and back a zillion, billion times.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Great Things Happened In Our Family

This past week has brought extra joy in our family....

On Wednesday, September 9, 2015 our third great grandson was born.  He is the son of Dustin and Jill Jones.  They named him Camden Dale Jones and he joins his older brother Jaxson.   They will be best buds.

On Friday, September 11th Dick and I celebrated our 39th wedding anniversary.  We have always gone to Texas Roadhouse for our anniversary dinner since 9-11-2001.  We have only missed one year of going there and that was last year.

On Sunday, September 13th our fourth great grandson was born.  He is the son of Cory and Emily Bishop.  They named him Logan.  Logan is their first child and they will be outstanding parents.  They have waited a very long time for him to come from heaven.

What a great week for us.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Many Things Going On...

Many things have been going on since my last post......

We had the funeral for little TJ Ramirez on Saturday, August 29, 2015 and it was attended very well by family, friends and ward members.   The entire week was spent giving compassionate service to the family and getting the luncheon ready.  We fed approximately 140 people and the ward sisters were so willing to provide for the luncheon.  During this week, my love for Stephanie grew ten fold.  The day of the funeral she walked into the kitchen where I was working and I have not seen such a glow about anyone like I witnessed in that moment.  I knew that TJ was right there with her, lifting and comforting her.  She radiated with the love of Christ.

On Friday before the funeral, Elder Rose and Elder Christensen came and dropped off some pants, ties and suit coat that needed repaired.  I worked on them during the week and got them completed for pick up.  Transfers are quickly coming so any repairs need to be done asap when they come in.  I know that both Elder Hansen and Elder Rose will be gone with this transfer that is coming.  I will miss them both more than words can express.  Maybe Elder Christensen will be placed in our ward as he is one cool dude also.

I didn't go to water aerobics during the week as my body was still trying to recuperate from my stressful week before.  I literally could not function very well.  My body was tired and could not feel rested.  On Wednesday morning my head was pounding with a migraine.  It was still throbbing by evening and I could not attend our inservice meeting for Relief Society.

Sharon Vargecko, my new dear friend that moved in the ward the same time we did, came over and I helped her put a pocket in a blanket that Pat wanted hung on the wall.  We measured the pocket wrong so now he has another idea for hanging it. 

Sunday meetings were so uplifting for me.  The testimonies that were born were so touching and special.  They expressed just what I needed to hear.  Sunday School and Relief Society lessons were just as touching.  I dearly love this ward and am so thankful that we were brought to this area.  For the first time in many, many years I finally feel needed and wanted.  It is breaking my heart to think about moving from here and going to another area of the valley. 

I have been working on some uniforms for Payton.  She is having such a hard time with the new uniforms at ALA.  She seems to have a sensory disorder with clothing so the uniforms are a struggle for her.  I took a polo shirt and added a skirt to them.  Hopefully that will help her, but I doubt it.

Today Linda Silva from the ward came over as I told her I would hem two dresses for her.  She started talking and two hours later she left.  I told Dick before she came that it would just take 15 minutes to measure the hems.  Between visiting teachers coming and Linda, he stayed in the garage and nearly sweated to pieces.  His shirt was soaking wet when he came in.

Dick has been making some beautiful boxes lately.  The missionaries brought him some trees that had fallen over during recent storms and the boxes from them are just gorgeous.  He is so talented when it comes to making things with wood.  He has his boxes in an antique store in Mesa and we are getting ready for an event in Coolidge the last Saturday in September.  He has made lots of wooden cars and trucks and some waddling ducks.

I am going to start doing some items and put embroidery on them.  Hopefully I will be able to get them done before my event in September.  Dick ordered me a cord for the machine so I can connect it to my computer and pull designed from the internet.  I am excited to do this.  Also I am going to start doing alterations and actually charge money for it.  Since we moved here it seems like all I do are repairs and alterations for the missionaries and ward members.  Now it is time to start charging for some of the work I do for others.  I will be getting my new business cards soon.

Things are settling down a little so maybe I will get to make a cape for my little GRR baby.  He is three months old now and getting so stinkin cute.  He sure loves his family and they love him.  I am so blessed to have the family that I have.  Heavenly Father smiled down on me and gave me the best spirits in heaven.