Monday, April 11, 2011

Evan’s Sunbonnet Sue’s Garden…

I finished quilting Evan’s quilt on Saturday and got the binding done this morning.  I am so pleased with how it turned out. Evan picked out this pattern and has been anxiously waiting for it to get finished.

I know that Evan will be thrilled with her quilt from Grandma.  She will always have her Sunbonnet Sue to remind her just how much Grandma loves her.  When she gets to Japan and when times are hard and she misses me, she can just wrap up real tight and feel all the love that I have for her.  I will always be with her when she needs me.. 


I love how the center turned out with all the little squares that I quilted.  Just makes her stand out from the quilt.DSCN3870

The back of a quilt is just as interesting to me as the front.  I love all the stitches of love that goes into a quilt.DSCN3875

I finished the quilt with the lime green that is the same as the green squares in the quilt.  Must say it really finished it off nicely.  I stitched the binding with a fancy stitch that looks like swirling leaves. 


My sweet girl, enjoy your quilt and may you always feel the love that Grandma has for you.  Love you tons my sweet little one!!!

1 comment:

Bobbi said...

It is SO cute! You did the best job. She reminds me of my Holly hobby doll. =)