Saturday, October 1, 2011

New Provo, Utah Temple Announced…

New Provo Temple


What a surprise this morning during the 181st Semiannual LDS Conference, when our beloved Prophet announced the newest temple to be built in Utah.  The old Tabernacle in Provo that was burned last year will be rebuilt into a temple, keeping the same look as before the fire. 

This is the most gorgeous building in Provo and I remember early in my 20’s attending a single adult conference with some other single adults in the area.  The interior was amazing and breath taking to me.

I immediately thought of my family members that live close to this new temple and how their lives will be so blessed with their close proximity to this House of the Lord. 

What an honor it is for me to live so close to our temple and to see the construction of this great building.  The first thing I see in the morning as I open my window blinds are the two spires of the temple and the last thing I see at night as I close the blinds are these same spires extending toward heaven.  We are anxiously counting the time when this building will be dedicated and open for us to do the ordinance work for those that have gone before.

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