Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Little Miss Molly Mormon

Danielle doesn't brag on herself very much and so I am going to do the bragging. You know that she had a stroke last December and doing things is very hard and trying for her. She gets tired very easy but still she tries to do things for her family to help cut the costs of food.
She found a fruit stand that sells fruit and vegetables at a very reasonable price (if I lived there my shelves would be full by now. Can you believe peaches at $5.00 a box!!!). The past few days she has managed to can salsa verde, spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce, tomato juice and peaches not to mention the tons of dried cherries and peaches she has already done and the corn she has frozen.
This is a girl that did not want to ever take on the tradition of preserving food for her family. It was always much easier to purchase the food from the stores when they had their case lot sales.
Here are a couple of pictures that she sent me of things she has done in the last two days. I must say they are beautiful jars of food and I would love to sit at her table and enjoy some of the great things that she makes.

Way to go Danielle!!

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