Sunday, January 23, 2011

Spiritually Fed

Today was Stake Conference and we were spiritually fed by our stake leaders.  Sometimes when I go I must not be in tune with the spirit as I come away not feeling like I learned much. Today was so different and I walked away so filled with the spirit and it was like I was like I was walking on a cloud.
Our first speaker was Pres. Packer (1st Counselor) and he talked about our backpacks being filled with bricks that we put in it by the ungodly things we do each day.  These bricks are things like talking unkindly about others, gossip, not keeping your word, not following through, letting our feelings be hurt and not forgiving the abuser, etc.  There was a huge list of bricks that we carry around with us making our backpack a heavy burden to bear.  We need to forgive and as we forgive our backpack filled with bricks slowly becomes lighter to bear as they are removed.
Our youth speaker was Bro. Hansen, who is our neighbor and he spoke about the simple things that we do is doing His will and by doing His will we will be able to live with Him again.  A very good talk by a 16 year old.
We also heard words from Bro and Sister Simmons who are in the Ogden Temple Presidency.  They spoke to us of the importance of attending the temple and noting that we are to soon have a temple in our midst.
Our last speaker was Pres. Frandsen (stake president).  He spoke to us about becoming a Zion people and urged us to yeild to the 10 second rule.  The 10 second rule is when you have been touched by the spirit to do something, you have 10 seconds to act upon it.  If you are in a meeting or an instance where it is impossible to act at that moment, write it down so you will not forget.  He said to always have a 3x5 card on you to write these inspirational thoughts down.  This is one way you are testifying to the Lord that you will follow in his footsteps by doing that which he has given you through inspiration.
This week as I was preparing my spirit for this conference, I came across a plan given by Pres. Frandsen a few months ago that was so fitting for my spirit.


1. Develop a rich, full prayer life. This includes family prayer, individual prayer, and for married couples, couple prayer, at least daily.

2. Have a “meditative half hour” each day. Approach this time with prayer. Read the scriptures; think deeply about your church calling or personal problem. Take a pen and paper to record the thoughts and impressions that will come.

3. Perform an act of true, Christ-like service each day. Some of these could even be outside your own home.

4. Actively participate in an honest, earnest fast each month. This fast should have a specific purpose, open and close with prayer, and span at least two meals over a 24-hour period.

5. Spread some quality introspective time identifying anything in our lives or associations with others that needs reconciling. Prayerfully seek to effect the needed reconciliation.

6. Consistently, consciously prepare for each Sabbath day realizing the difference between a horizontal meeting and a vertical one. The horizontal meeting requires our attendance. The vertical meeting requires careful preparation and reflection.

7. Work together, with everyone in the family, to create an environment in our home where Heavenly Father’s spirit may feel free to dwell.

8. Apply the principles of “Never Even Once” and “From Where the Sun Now Stands” in our personal journey of discipleship.

I think that #3 could fall right into the category of the 10 second rule.  How many times during the week do we receive inspiration to do an act of kindness for our neighbors, family or friends and we let it slip by saying oh I can do that tomorrow.  I personally need to act on that point more than I do.  Regrets have filled my heart as I have in the past not yeilded to the Holy Ghost telling me to do something or to go visit someone.  My goal is to really be more in turn with the spirit and that #3 is a constant with me.
Oh my soul was so filled today and I love that feeling within.

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