Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tiffeni's Birthday....

Today Miss Tiffeni is 16 years old. 
I remember so well the day you were born and exactly where I was and what I was doing when the call came in that I had a new granddaughter. I had to finish making an appointment for a patient at the dentist office, called Grandpa to tell him and then off to the hospital to meet this precious bundle of joy.
I remember how anxious I was to see this new baby and to hold and hug her.  I was very anxious to get you home and have that special bonding time that we shared right from day one.  You are the light of my life and thank Heavenly Father each and every day for sending you to our family.  You make me laugh with your fun and cute ways and each day is a new adventure just waiting to happen when you are around.
I love you sweet Tiff and hope that you have a wonderful day today.  May this next year be the best and may you attain the goals that you have set to accomplish.

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