Sunday, September 16, 2012

Second Week of September Update

We have been busy this past week and all the different posts I had planned on doing just slipped through my mind and before I realized that nothing had gotten posted the week was over.  So here is an abridgment of the week in picture and word.

Sept 8th we went into Tempe for Brook’s final yoga class she had to teach before her graduation on the 12th.  I went to the class and Dick walked around the campus and read his kindle while waiting for me to finish up.  From there we went to find a Coomer’s store (similar to Quilted Bear in Utah).  I got addresses for three stores.  The first store was closed for good…no longer in business, called the other two stores and the message said the number was no longer in service.  What a bummer!!!  The day was not wasted because we found a wood store in Chandler where Dick can get wood scrapes to make more of these beautiful jewel boxes.

DSCN4904  DSCN4903

We are constantly on the outlook for solid wood tables or furniture (no pine, just hard woods) that he can break down for the wood to make them.  Aren’t they just gorgeous.

Sept 1oth I made a skirt for Evan and went to Wally World and got a shirt to go with it. I got home and was getting the package ready to send when I noticed that something was horribly wrong with the shirt…..


I either got into the “special girl” department or we need to stretch her left arm and make it longer to fit this shirt.  We laughed so hard tears were running down our faces.  We could see Evie trying on this shirt and busting out into fits of laughter.  Her sense of humor is like her Grandpa and Grandma’s.  We did finally find a shirt that has both sleeves the same length and can get her package sent this week.

Sept 11th was our 36th wedding anniversary.  Can you believe that it has been that long since we joined our lives together?  We have had many adventures along the way.  Some have been super, some medium and some the total pits but with those we picked ourselves up and trudged to the top again.  I honestly can’t think of another person I would want to spend my life with than Dick.  He has been so supportive of me all these years and has been the best husband any woman would ever want… not to mention the most outstanding father.  My children are the lucky ones to have a father that truly loves and adores them.  He is the greatest grandfather and lets each grandchild know they are his most favorite one.  When he talks with each one, I hear him tell them that he loves them and “you know you are my favorite”.  What a special Gramps he is.  I am honored to be married to this man.  He is totally my rock and strength.

Wedding 1996                 Kathy & Dick 25th(pictures taken on our wedding date Sep 11, 1996 and in 2001 on our 25th anniversary)

Sept 12th found us in Tempe for Brook’s graduation from her Yoga school where she is now a certified Yoga instructor, plus she also graduated from her schooling at the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (Swiha).  This has been a sacrifice on her family for the last 18 months.  Without their support and dedication, she would not have been able to accomplish this task.  Her classes were at night and Nolan was so dedicated in watching the three little ones so she could get to class each night.  When Elton got home from work, he would take over watching the children.  This was a total family project in getting Brook through school.  She now is a hypnotherapist and is wanting to specialize in the medical part, specifically oncology.  She is an outstanding Yoga instructor and anyone that has the chance should take a class from her.  She is soft spoken, gentle and her classes are extremely fun.  Her ability to reach every class member is amazing.  I have enjoyed her classes and am waiting for her to open her own studio to take more classes from her.

Brook's graduation

(my beautiful daughter on her graduation day)

On Friday, Sept 14th, the three little munchkins came to have a sleep over while Mom and Dad went for Friday date night.  We ate teddy bear pancakes for supper, went to the park to play, went snake and frog hunting, ate a big lunch then their parents came and got them.  Grandpa got lots of hugs at the park cause Payton and Hayden kept running around and then would run up to him and throw their arms around him and say “I came for anover hug”.  They do love that Gramps of theirs.  I tried Payton’s dress on her I made for her to be blessed in 16 months ago and it still fits her just barely.  If they don’t get her blessed pretty soon it will not fit.  It was suppose to be tea length but not now. It fits a little snug about her chest and the elastic in the sleeves will have to be replaced.  If they wait much longer I will have to find the exact fabric and remake the bodice.  Here is a picture of her in the dress.  She wanted to “wear her dress all day cause it is so bootiful”  She is so cute and funny.


Today Sept 16th we went to church and had the best Sacrament meeting I have attended in a very long time.  The theme was on adversity in our lives.  All three speakers touched my heart and I left the meeting spiritually fed. 

This has been an outstanding week with lots going on.  We try to keep ourselves busy and think of our loved ones each day.

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