Sunday, May 24, 2015

Little Answers

Today was the most spiritual day for me.  Sacrament meeting was extremely uplifting and filled with beautiful music and inspirational talks.  My soul was fed and was filled with joy.  Our choir sang the most wonderful rendition of "Master, the Tempest Is Raging".  It filled the chapel with joyful notes of gladness.  The voices echoed off the walls and vibrated within my soul.  I loved it.  The Sunday School and Relief Society lessons were just as uplifting.  I love my ward here in Copper Basin and can feel the spirit so strong at each meeting.

This afternoon my heart was troubled so I began to read my scriptures and pray.  I went in earnest supplication to my Father and told him that I knew He was there with me, but I needed to have reassurance that all was well.  I no more than said Amen, when Dick yelled to tell me that we had company.  I came into the living room and there were our sweet missionaries, Elders Martin and Hansen.  They visited for a few minutes and then Elder Martin asked if he could leave with a word of prayer.  He gave the prayer and it was the exact words that I needed to hear at that very moment.  During his prayer I was reaffirmed by the Spirit that these words were my answer.   Our prayers are answered quickly if we just listen with our hearts.  My heart has been eased of it troubles.

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