Thursday, February 12, 2009

Busy Morning...

Mornings for me are usually very slow and I work at my own pace, but things are different for me for the next three weeks. This is how my morning has gone this morning:
  1. First wake up call came at 4:45 when Brook came in to tell me that they were on their way to the hospital
  2. Brea went to sleep on the couch and woke up at 5:30 so got up and put her in bed with me
  3. Went back to sleep until 7:00
  4. Got up and went to bathroom before babies woke up
  5. 7:15 Brea wakes up and comes to living room all smiles and happy
  6. 7:30 Hayden wakes up not sure of the strange face looking at him, but does not cry
  7. 7:45 Danielle calls to see if the baby is here yet
  8. 7:50 Mom calls to see if baby is here yet
  9. 8:00 change Hayden for the second time this time poopy
  10. 8:15 fix breakfast for the two little kids and feed them
  11. 8:30 fix oatmeal for me - first batch boiled over in microwave so had to clean that up and start another bowl full. Eat my breakfast and take my handful of pills.
  12. 9:00 Nolan wakes up and helps me get bath water ready for baths - bath both babies and get them dressed then fixes himself breakfast
  13. 9:30 showered and got dressed
  14. 10:00 Nolan gets in shower
  15. 10:17 called Elton - baby is here and both Brook and Payton are doing good
  16. 10:19 called Dick to tell him he is a new grandfather and to give him the particulars
  17. 10:34 text Danielle, Derek, Kelly & Laile with info on Payton
  18. 10:45 Danielle calls is going to dr today
  19. 11:00 fix snack for Hayden & Brea then feed them yogurt
  20. 11:15 Hayden goes down to nap and Nolan watches Brea while I get Hayden to sleep
  21. Finish getting ready for the day, take out tonight's dinner to thaw (Shephard's Pie)
  22. Work on the computer for a while and check the emails and blogging
  23. Brea wakes Hayden up at 12:20 so now I am busy with two little ones for the rest of the day
  24. Elton sends a picture of the baby and she is a keeper

The time is only 12:31 pm.

Any hooo the baby is Payton Riley Curry, 6 lbs. 9 oz., 18 1/2 inches long and was born at 7:47 this morning. We are anxious to get to the hospital to visit and see her but need to give Brook a little more time before all four of us venture in on her.

Will keep you posted as to how things are fairing out in Denver at the Curry household.

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