Wednesday, August 19, 2009

David Nolan Bierhaus is 15

Nolan, you have brought great happiness to our family and we are so glad that you chose us to be your family. There is not a day that goes by that I do not think of you and wonder how you are doing.
I remember well the day you were born. Your Mom called me at work and said that you were going to be born that day and that she was on her way to the hospital. I lived in Denver and she lived in St. George so I was not able to be there when you made your grand entrance into the world. I finished my day at work and rushed home to call the hospital to see if you had been born yet. The nurse said that you were in the process of being born and that she would have your Mom call me when it was over. I was so happy when she called and said that we had a beautiful, healthy baby boy.
Here are a few pictures of you growing up and look how you have changed. You have gone from a curly top little boy into a curly top young man.
In LaSal with the cousins
This is in West Valley when they dug the basement for our new home

Blessing of Brea
At your Mom and Elton's Wedding
Grammy and her boys
My little munchkins when Payton was born
This summer working for us at Logan
At the park with Meghan, Kameron & Mason
We really did enjoy having you come for the summer to be with us and work in our concession business. You learned so much about making funnel cakes, fried twinkies, fried oreos etc. but your favorite were eating the nachos. Everytime I eat nachos now I think of you.
We love you so very much and are proud of the young man that you have grown into. Keep your heart and mind on the right path and make sure that the choices you make are worthy and wholesome. Unwise choices will only bring heartache to you and your family. Live a clean life devoid of unclean substances and you will go far in life.
Keep smiling and remember that you are loved very much. Hope your day was one that created good memories in your memory bank.

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