Saturday, August 29, 2009

We did it!!

WE DID IT!!!!!!
We actually got away for a couple of days by ourselves, no phones, no talk of business, just the two of us and no time schedules. It was strange not working and thinking about our next event. Dick surprised me with a weekend planned totally by himself right down to making the motel reservations in Park City.
We left on Friday morning (and he even packed his own suitcase, forgetting an extra pair of jeans and his shaving cream) and headed to Park City for our weekend adventure. Got there and had to wait for 30 minutes before they would let us check in, so took a drive through the residential area around the motel and got lost. Thank heavens for GPS on the phone to find our way out of the maze that we were in.
We got back to the motel and was able to check in and unload the suitcase then off to explore Old Main Street. This is one of the houses on Main Street. Park City is so neat with the homes built on hillsides and so close together one could spit and hit the other house.

This is overlooking old Park City from a very winding and scary road way above the town. You can see the old mixed into the new as they continue to build. To bad way back when no one wanted to be from Park City let alone live there, we did not foresee the future and purchase thousands of acres of land. We would be rolling in dough now and living in one of those homes that are high on the mountain side overlooking the valley of gold.
After our tour of Park City we left and drove to Kamas and on to Mirror Lake in the high Uintah's. The road was again a windy, scary road and took us almost to the tree line on the mountain. As you can tell I am not fond of roads that are windy and scary. If there is a drop off, I almost faint and throw up. My driver is very considerate of my feelings and drives very slow and careful so there is no throwing up in the car.
Mirror Lake is gorgeous and the only thing missing was our camper. It would have been a blast to camp here and take our boat out on the lake. It would be a place on my wants to go back to. We did fish from the bank, but had no nibbles at all. Who really needs to catch fish as long as you have a line in the water and all your troubles just flow from your mind down the line into the water and are left there.
On the way down the mountain to Kamas, there was a place called PROVO RIVER FALLS and we stopped there and walked around. These are picture of us at the falls. They were so pretty and it was fun to have our pictures taken there. To bad someone was not there to offer to take ours together, but I did get one of Dick which is almost unheard of. These pictures are to document that we really did go on a mini-cation together and had fun.

Friday night we went back to Park City and had a wonderful dinner at the motel then off to dreamland. We woke early Saturday morning, ate breakfast, then off to Wanship, down to Oakley and up to Smith and Morehouse. This is a man made lake and so fun. We fished and I did catch one trout. I let him go then remembered that I forgot to take a picture of him and never caught anything after that. What a bummer!!! great for documenting our trip, not even a picture of the lake. Believe me we really did go up to Smith and Morehouse!!!
We drove around the lake after finishing our fishing and found some wild raspberries and stopped and picked two, one for me and one for Dick. I was generous in leaving the rest for the bears and birds (really the reason for only two, was the hill was so steep I kept sliding down and was afraid of getting road rash if I climbed higher).
We left the lake and started for home. Along the way in Peoa, we found an old cemetery that we walked through. This is an old, old cemetery that has lots of pioneers buried there. We love to walk through them and feel the spirits of the people that are buried there. So many babies are there. One family had babies die in 1887, 1889, 1892 & 1893. How sad to loose every child that you bore in six years. So much history there and you only wished you could hear their stories.
We continued on to our next stop, the cemetery in Wanship where my Uncle Paul Y. Pace, first husband to my Aunt Verdell, is buried. I had not been back to his grave since Verdell had his headstone placed 30+ years ago. It was wonderful to visit and feel peace within my heart as I felt him close by today. I do miss him and his fun ways. The way he made you feel like you were more important that gold to him, the way he took your problems and tried to find solutions that would best benefit you, the way he was always there as your friend. Yes, I really do miss him and what a very, very sad day it was when we lost him.
We did have a very fun time on our mini-cation and are looking forward to finishing our season and then maybe a real vacation.

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