Friday, July 30, 2010

Honey Rash

Evan got this rash on her body and we are not sure what caused it.  I told Gramps that I thought it was hives and have been treating it with aloe/lidocaine to take the itch away.  Evan is telling us it is honey rash (bee's make honey in their hives) and she is allergic to honey (she has not had any so that is not it either).  I have reviewed everything she has eaten for the last two days and it is nothing that she has not eaten at our house in the past.  I am dumbfounded as to what would have caused this rash.  It is all over her body except for her back.  We are trying to keep her out of the sun thinking that it might be from getting in the sun yesterday. 

Will be glad when Kelly gets home so she can take her to be checked.  This is the first time that one of the kids have had something like this while in my care.  Hope that it does not cause the parents to not let them come back to stay.  That would be sad!!!

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