Tuesday, July 13, 2010

One Hour In Brigham City.....

Today my sweet friend was laid to rest in the Brigham City Cemetery and we went to her grave to say goodbye to her.  As we were driving into the cemetery, there was this little girl leaning against a tree crying.  Quickly we looked around and noticed that no one was there except for a man cleaning grass from around a headstone and another man doing the final work on the grave of DeEsta.  We had passed the little girl and Dick suddenly stopped and said that he thought she was lost.  We backed up and the sight was so sad as she stood there with tears running down her face. 
I jumped out of the truck and started to talk with her.  She was seven and from Logan and her name was Bethany Gunther and her Daddy's name was Jake.  They had come for the funeral of her great great grandmother.  She wanted to know if we could take her to the church where her family was cause she knew that they were there and if we would take her she would recognize her Daddy's car.
Being that the world is not safe anymore for some stranger to take a child in their vehicle, I called 911 and told them about this little girl and asked for an officer to come get her.  They asked me to please stay with her until help came which I reassured them I would.  Within just a few minutes an officer came and so gently talked with her and took some information from me.  I told him where the church was that the dinner was being held at and where the grandfather lived.  He put her in his car and buckled her in and we left. 
My heart was aching for this little girl and I wanted to hold her close and let her know that she was safe.  As I was getting into the truck, I had a warm fuzzy feeling and tingled from head to toe.  I know that DeEsta was standing there with Bethany and she was thanking me for taking care of her granddaughter.  Child and parents were reunited thanks to this wonderful officer.

We went on our way and headed to do some shopping at Kent's for a birthday dinner on Thursday.  As I was walking our of Kent's, I looked across the street and there was a car that had crashed into a building, a bumper in the middle of the road and another car sitting in the parking lot without a bumper.  All sorts of officers, ambulance and firetruck were coming.  One officer was the same one that had come to rescue our little friend.  What a busy day he was having.

We went for a short ride on the east side of town and when we were coming down Main Street to go home, lo and behold this same officer was talking with some woman.  She was really not dressed for our summer weather and must have been out in space a little.  She was dressed in a knit hat, a heavy sweater and was pulling two suitcases.  We had seen her earlier a few blocks away when we were washing our truck.

All of this happened in less than one hour.  Sure am glad that we have the officers that we do and thank them for the outstanding job that they do to keep our community safe.

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