Thursday, June 2, 2011

Smashed Thumb..


The other day Derek had the kids with him and when they got home each one got out of the car.  Canyon, I guess, opened his door a little to hard and it hit Kelly’s van.  Derek was checking it out and in the mean time, Evan crawled out the front driver’s door.  Derek slammed the doors shut not realizing that Evan’s hand was in the way. 

Needless to say, little thumb got slammed in the door.  Poor little baby girl was sobbing so hard.  She just could not settle down.  The thumb throbbed so bad Evie thought it was going to burst.  After about an hour of sobbing and not able to catch her breath, the family knelt in prayer to ask Heavenly Father to bless Evan that she would be able to stop crying.  Almost immediately, little Evan was able to calm down.

Her little thumb got rather swollen and she told me that her thumb was bigger than her nose hole.  Little thumb was really big.

Just got to love the things that come out of her mouth.  She is a hoot.

1 comment:

Bobbi said...

poor baby!!!!

I did have to laugh about the nose hole. No picking for a while....