Sunday, December 28, 2008

New Church Calling....

Today we met with the Stake Presidency and was given a calling in the foreign extraction department. We will be working with the Danish section.

This is a calling that will be rewarding as we will be able to prepare names to be submitted to the temple for work to be done for those that have gone before us. We were able to choose the Danish line as both sides of Dick's family comes directly from Denmark. Who knows, maybe we will find some of his relatives that have been waiting for someone to do the necessary work so they can progress in the heavens.

I, myself, am extra excited about this calling as it is something that I have wanted to do for a very long time. I have always had a desire to do genealogical work. Maybe I will be able to feel a closeness to those that I do the work for. Someday when we meet we will be able to have a kinship with each other that will last for eternity.

I am so glad for a calling as it has been a long time since I have held a church calling. When we left West Valley and moved to Brigham City I was released from my calling and was not given one here. It seems like when you are in the service of the Lord things seem to run more smoothly than when you are not serving Him. Maybe I can get back on the right path and my life with not have as many bumps along the way. I am anxious to get started.

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